Here's an explanation of my rating scale:
Reading Pleasure
Meh! It might be a good read for others, but personally, this romance wasn't doing anything for me. I had a difficult time finishing it, but if you like the author, the title or the blurb, go ahead and read it. But you're better off borrowing it. Definitely not a good buy.
Okay. There were some elements I liked and didn't like in equal parts. It's great to bring along with you when you're going somewhere when you need to kill time though. Like when waiting in line or on an errand. I'd rather you borrow this book.
Enjoyable. I liked the story for the most part. I may have some qualms or two, but go ahead and buy this. It's great for relaxing on the beach or on a quiet weekend at home.
Awesome read! Most of the time, I loved this book. The characters, the plot, the development of the romance, the writing style...everything was working together to give me a satisfactory read. I'd buy it if I were you.
Epic win! I simply couldn't put this book down. From Page One to The End, you'll consume it in one sitting...and then go back to read it, over and over and over again. This one's for your bookshelves. I'd probably buy one for my BFF, too!
Kisses only. No love scenes.
Lots of kissing, touching, sexual tension. Lovemaking hinted at, not detailed. Leaves lots to the imagination.
High sexual tension. Tasteful, moderately longer description of lovemaking. One or two love scenes.
Explicit and extended description of lovemaking. Very graphic. More focus on desire and sexual feelings. Plenty of sex scenes, but romance between characters is still the focus. Borders on the kinky.
Extremely explicit sex scenes. Graphic language/dialogue, often kinky details. Sex, sex, and more sex in most of the chapters.
One and the other doesn't have anything to do with each other.
Reading pleasure ratings are all about the story elements - characters, plot/conflict, setting, development of the romance, theme, and everything else that makes a romance story great.
Sensuality ratings, on the other hand, deals mainly with how mild or steamy the love/sex scenes are.
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